GS Enterprise is coming | Early Access is Open!
GS Enterprise

For Leading Nonprofits & Partners

Our all-new Enterprise platform is built from the bottom-up for fast-growing & at-scale nonprofits, partners, and consultants.

Key Features
Multi-Account Architecture
Seamlessly manage across multiple accounts with a single user identity - as a power-user or consultant/grant writer
Full-Search Prospecting
Integrated search of our Prospecting Universe, with filters and data details to match your favorite grants database.
Developer API
Integrate Grantseeker with any system or automation engine you want via our simple REST API.
Task Templates & Checklists
Standardize your Tasks with templates and checklists to increase team consistency and execution speed.
Custom Pipeline Stages
Define your own custom Grant process and stages so that Grantseeker works exactly the way you do.
Bulletproof Budgets
Build integrated budgets across Programs that roll-up to an organizational budget, all aligned to your Chart of Accounts.
Bulk File Uploads
Drag & drop groups of files to quickly build out your Grant / Program / Funder profile and source of truth.
Full CRM
Full contact CRM and activity logging to provide a single source of truth or integrate with an existing platform.
SSO & Team Access Levels
SSO logins (only!) to enforce your enterprise protocols; and control users with multi-level role-based access.
Account Health & Security Monitoring
Track account health and user access to ensure you're getting the most out of your tools and staying compliant.
...and much more!
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